
Friday 22 April 2016


   Overall I have really enjoyed this final unit of digital image as it has gave me an insight of what it would be like to work on a brand shoot, but also how you have to work when you are doing these shoots which has made me a better designer by changing the way I view my own work from feedback from my tutors which has helped me push myself to be the best I can be in these units. I also feel like my overall knowledge and understanding of photography and postproduction has improved since last semester due to my practical and technical sessions and finding them very beneficial in helping me learn new techniques, but also combine old methods into my current work.

  During both my final shoots I didn’t experience any issues when shooting, however, during my brand inspired shoot I did receive feedback on a few things I should change which was all manageable in post production. That in mind, I do wish throughout this semester I had attended more tutorials to get constant feedback rather than only seeing my tutors a few times over the whole semester as these final postproduction problems could be avoided. None the less, I’m so happy with both my final outcomes and also feel much more prouder of my word after receiving my brand feedback and acting upon it as the outcome is so much more stronger than the pervious images I had originally shot.

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