
Thursday 21 April 2016


   Today I had a tutorial with Sharon to discuss my final images and digital image blog. I was clam and collected when I went in, however I came out in a completely different state of mind. During my tutorial I had received some amazing feedback which I'm super happy about, however I also received some critical feedback that wouldn't have bothered me so much, if deadline was in two days. One thing that Sharon commented on was how she really enjoyed my photography in both my brand and word inspired images, which I was super happy about as photography isn't really a strong point for me. However what stuck with me the most (as expected) was the negative criticism I was told of my brand images. I was asked to remove the creases from the umbrella and also that my model looked "very sad" and to try and fix her smile as well, there was other small modifications that I was told about my images that I need to look out for when I shoot in the future, for things like looking out if the top the model is wearing is straight and looking perfect in the images, and also looking for fly away hairs that can make the images look a lot less professional. Although I was agreeing with Sharon on what she was saying, I guess you can't help but feel a bit soul destroyed hearing things about your work as for me I'm one of those people that like to get it right more or less within the first time doing something. And for the first half an hour of leaving Sharon's office I was running in a blind panic around the photography studios and staff rooms trying to locate my IT lecturer until I found him and I could somewhat relax. After discussion what needed to my changed with my images he told me how to make these changes and it was a lot easier than I had thought!
   Overall, I have learnt to make sure you're very prepared before doing a shoot, and make sure you look at every aspect of an image to look for anything that could be out of place or imperfect that can effect the overall image. Looking back I'm actually very happy with the feedback I have received from Sharon today, as if she or anyone isn't critical of you or your work then how are you meant to improve as a designer? And thanks to her, my images are a 100x more better than my original images and look so much more professional.

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