
Sunday 17 April 2016

Final Images For Dior Brand Shoot: Without Templates

     Here are my final chosen edited photos for my brand shoot. Like I have perviously said about my lighting set up, I used two soft box lights pointing towards my model but facing the camera along with a soft box on a bomb light looking over my model and above where I was shooting. I also had two boards on either side of the camera to keep in the light from the two soft boxes.
   After taking these images and seeing them on a larger scale, I noticed that the lights had create a very soft, radiant look to my images which is exactly what I wanted to achieve and as you'll be able to see by my chosen make-up, I kept my model looking very dewy and fresh due to the inspiration from my chosen word.
   For the styling of this shoot, I decided to put most of my focus on this shoot with the styling due to the restriction on doing creating make-up looks to fit with my brand that is known for being very classy and elegant. I decided to style my model in a simple black top, paired with a black skater skirt (although in these edited images you're unable to see the lower half of her body). To also top this look off I used a simple black umbrella as a prop to fit with my inspiration word which involves rain, so I thought including this prop would work well in representing my word. This prop was also mainly the main centre piece, so deciding poses to make my images look more professional and elegant was a slight issue that arose when shooting these images. Although I found coming up with original poses for my shoot a struggle, I also found that these more simpler poses and angles worked a lot better with my brand.
   I'm rather happy with these final edited images, however, looking at some of my images I found that the label for the umbrella was present in a few of these images (yet some was easily hidden when using inDesign and using my brands template) along with some annoying creases in the umbrella that ended up making these images look a lot less put together. When also editing my models skin I noticed a few stray hairs around the face, which some was easy to remove but sadly not all could be removed from my images so this is defiantly something I'd change if I reshot these images, but also something to take into consideration for future shoots.

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