
Saturday 6 February 2016


   For my inspirational word chosen for me for this project of digital image production is "petrichor". The definition of petrichor is; "a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather". When I first googled my word and saw the definition I was quite disappointed and nervous as at first I wasn't sure how I could show or describe the definition in images let alone my final project which would be a beauty shoot, but after breaking down what the word actually means into just smell and rain I found some interesting ideas of what I could use for my face and hair charts. 

My original thoughts, colours and mood of when I thought of petrichor

This mood board was inspired by the aftermath of rain and all the things it can cause, such as mould, damp, floods, moss, fungi ect. 

I decided to take a look at fashion and beauty that have been inspired by rain, the outside and smell. 

Going with the fashion theme, I found designers that have used rain in their runway shows that have interesting concepts as to why they chose to use rain/water. 

As I felt I hadn't incorporated smell enough into my mood boards, I decided to look at perfume ads that involve water/rain. 

Lastly, I decided to take a look at typography that has either been inspired by rain or what I would personally use for my beauty advertisement.

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