
Saturday 12 March 2016

Brand Inspired Design Ideas: Oversized Hats

   For this design idea my inspiration stemmed from my first idea of using an umbrella to show rain and shelter, however after looking at a lot of Diors shoots and designs even from the very beginning of the brand Dior has been very fond of using hats in shoots and being almost an iconic clothing item to the brand. Like the umbrella idea, using an oversized hat was to symbolise shelter from rain. When thinking of how I could shoot this concept, I thought about having the oversized hat covering most of the models face and only showing from shoulders upwards. I could also style my brand inspired images with pearl necklaces to also show a link to my brand. In terms of how I'd set up these images, I would light up the background but also try and cause contrast on my models face and body to show facial features and also shoot in black and white, to almost create a classic Dior image.

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