
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Lighting Charts: Word Inspired

   For my word inspired shoot I wanted to recreate a lighting effect that Dior has previously used in their Dior Addict adverts. Although this isn't my brand inspired shoot, I thought this particular lighting set up would work well with my inspired word images as my word means "fresh", and when I think of fresh I automatically think of bright, glowly effects which is what this lighting set up will create.
   To create my final lighting, I chose a white background and placed two soft boxes on either side of my model and had them facing the background. Doing this and having the lights between a median or high strength will make the white background a lot whiter, but also brighter and create a soft, glowly effect to the images. I also placed a soft box on a bomb light above where the camera is placed to light up my models face instead of the background like the other soft boxes.

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