
Monday 7 March 2016

Word Inspired Hair Chart: #3 - Final

   For my third and final design, I put a slight twist on my first design of having a sleek wet look hair design but having strands of wet hair flowing over my models face to create the illusion that they have been rained on. I'm currently still trying to figure out how I'd like this design to look, in terms of how wet I want the hair and how much hair I want over the face, but I think once I figure out my final make-up design it will fall into place of how I'd like this design to look on my model. Out of all three designs this is my favourite one, purely because I like how different it is for an editorial. For this shoot/design in general I want to capture a more natural/organic effect to my images, as if the elements had really taken it's turn on the hair and has moved it in places without making the hair look to purposely placed.
   To achieve this look would be the exact same as my sleek wet look but a lot messier and move strands of my models hair in a natural way over the face and using sea salt sprays, wet look gel and wetting the hair itself. Also by using these different products I can manipulate the hair and make it look a lot messier and windswept.

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