
Saturday 5 March 2016

Dior Story Board

   When researching into Dior as a brand, I first started to look at it's history and what launched the brand itself. I know when I personally think of Dior I think of elegance, femininity and a slight sex appeal so when it came to think of ways I could link my chosen word "petrichor" to my brand shoot I was stuck with what I could come up with. However, after researching into how the brand presents itself in advertisements I become inspired by showing my word though styling. Although my ideas for this shoot also include work done to the face and hair, I think I could pull off my ideas I have in mind for this shoot and have it looking very Dior.
Christian Diors original work. Showing his designs that broke us out of the masculinity from the war and started the "New Look". 

The last two slides show Diors successors after he passed away, I showed old and new designs and how they've all taken their own creative spin on Diors old classics.
Looking at how Dior advertised cosmetics early on.
Recent advertisements from Dior, still sticking with the same old themes they had originally.  
Thought about styling ideas for my shoot. Using umbrellas or big, oversized hats to show shelter from rain.
Lastly, looking at some inspiration for make-up for shoot. Flowers stuck on the face to show smell or went/damp hair draped across the face mixed with an umbrella or hat.

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